Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hi! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. We've been pretty busy lately! Heres a few pics that I finnally got on the computer from my phone!

                         Mrs. Jodi had her baby on Good Friday! They named Him Zachary!
The Dainel Family are coming over later today! I can't wait! Although my rooms a mess soo I have to clean that up.......... Mia is getting SOOOO big now! My mom jokes that we should call her big foot!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Hey! Anybody like my new hairstyle? I absolutely love it! The difference of this style and my old style is like night and day! Here's a pic!

Isn't that weird? I can't wait to show my friends at church and see their faces!!!! Mia is getting SOOOO big now! She can barely fit on a couch pillow! I got their soon anough to get a picture of her! I am SOOO ready to be done with school! I wish I didn't have to get up every morning at 7:00 a.m (more like 7:30 actully!)..... So what are you doing this summer? I'm going to try out for swim team and we might go to Minnisota! Almost all of my family on my moms side lives there! So how was your easter? I had a great one! Well, thats all the news I have right now! PLEASE COMMENT!!!!! 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter

Hi everybody! I know I haven't posted in a while but I just haven't had anything to post about. So what are you doing for Easter? Were doing the same thing we always do on Easter, wake up, hunt for Easter eggs, have breakfast, get ready to go to Church, come back, eat our Easter dinner, then we will probably watch an Easter movie. I've finally seen Courageous! It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good! What are you wearing for Easter? I'm wearing this really pretty turquise dress and it has a few sparkles on it, and it has a little more of a strap then a spegetti strap....