Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey! Sorry i haven't posted in a while! Nothing to post about. But guess what!?!? I MADE SWIM TEAM!!!!!! It's my first year and it's really fun so far! (except when she makes us swim 100 yards!) I'm really enjoying it! Were the Roos so our colors are blue black and i think white! My first meet is June 9th and I'm really nervous!!!!! I have practices Tuesday, Wendsday and Thursday. I missed the original tryouts but they were so nice to let me try out on monday and i made swim team!!!! And now one of my really good friends is doing it to! And one other friend! It's really fun! And I lost a tooth! My silver molar! I also have a iPhone 3gs for sale so if you want it just comment with your price and i will see what i can do for 'ya! That's all the news I have for you right now! PLLEEAASSEE COOMMEENNTT!!!!!!


  1. Id like an iphone. I just am saving my cash for something else.

  2. Ru ever gonna update!?!? This is from LAST MONTH!!!
