Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hey!  Our dog, Parker, had to get put down this afternoon. He was getting so old and we think he had cancer. He could serisly barely breath. but he hung on to dear life all through last night. Preston and Dad took him to the vet this afternoon to be put down. We baried him in the backyard so we can visit his grave anytime we want. We also poured cement over him in the grave so animals can't smell him and dig him up. Rest in peace Parker! Always know we love you! I don't know  when we will get another puppy. But in the meantime i'm hoping to get hamster! Dwarf, hamster! Well, thats all i can think of besides tonight is movie night at our church! Please comment! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. I will miss his greetings when we come over! Love y'all.
